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Health From Within

Conferences, Farm tours and Hands On Workshops

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico,

May 26-30, 2022

A valuable in person experience on 


Join us for the three-day conference with top experts covering topics such as:

- Human Diet  

- Food Choices   

- Regenerative Farming

- Mindful Eating

- Ancestral Biohacking

Come a day early and/or stay an extra day to enjoy Hands-on Workshops right at the farms!

Buy your ticket today to save your place!

Register here

Experience first-hand the effect that nutrition, soil, microbes, water, light, animals, and air have on our own wellbeing as humans, communing with nature and our intrinsic ability to heal.

Please note: ALL TALKS WILL BE GIVEN IN ENGLISH, even though the setting is charming Mexico!

Scroll down for a glimpse of our all-star speaker line-up!


Una valiosa experiencia sobre cómo la dieta, el estilo de vida y el medio ambiente pueden moldear la salud humana.

- Tres días de charlas y recorridos guiados a una granja de ganadería y agricultura regenerativa

- Dos días opcionales de talleres prácticos en grupos pequeños

Experimenta de primera mano el efecto que la nutrición, el suelo, los microbios, el agua, la luz, los animales y el aire tienen en nosotros mismos.

Consulta el programa completo y reserva tu boleto. Esperamos verte en este memorable evento.

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Joel Salatin

Lunatic Farmer / Granjero lunatico

Referencia para ganaderos y agricultores en todo el mundo, impulsor de su granja familiar, Polyface para producir alimentos de altísima calidad nutricional y regenerar la fertilidad de las tierras donde estos se producen, siempre con un enfoque claro hacia la rentabilidad económica.


Meredith Leigh

Teacher, writer, consultant, and activist / consultora, educadora y activista

Author of The Ethical Meat Handbook, consultant, and community organizer working to help people imagine and create food ecosystems that are reliable, resilient, and participatory.


Bill Schindler

Archaeologist, teacher and chef / Arqueologo, educador y chef

Author of Eat Like a Human, founder of The Modern Stone Age Kitchen with a mission to preserve and revive ancestral dietary approaches to create a nourishing, ethical, and sustainable food system.


Hilda Labrada Gore

Wellness expert, author and podcast consultant / Conductora del podcast Tradiciones Sabias

A voice for healthy living to encourage people to follow ancestral health practices and find optimal health in real foods and wise traditions.


Ronnie Cummins 

Food and freedom activist, author 

Ronnie Cummins is founder and Director of the Organic Consumers Association a non-profit dedicated to safeguarding organic standards and promoting health, justice, and climate stability.  He is co-fouder of @viaorganica in San Miguel de Allende.Cummins has been active as a writer and activist since the 1960s, he has served as director of campaigns and wrote tons of articles dealing with organic standards, food safety, genetic engineering, factory farming, and global warming. In 2015 Cummins co-founded @regenerationinternational, a global network dedicated to mitigating and reversing climate change through regenerative food, farming and land use. He is the author of “Grassroots Rising: A Call to Action on Climate, Farming, Food, and a Green New Deal  published by Chelsea Green. His latest book is The Truth About COVID-19, co-authored with Dr. Joseph Mercola.

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We hope you're able to attend. If you have questions about the registration process, our schedule or general information, don’t hesitate to reach out.

+52 5543608713

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